Behind every product with a protected designation of origin and protected geographic indication, there is a history of pleasures. Many, maybe infinite, pleasures.
Pleasures of sight, scent, touch and sound. Pleasures which come from the land and travel from person to person. Until you.
What are PDOs and PGIs?
Protected designations of origin (PDOs) and protected geographic indications (PGIs) are European quality schemes which designate products native to a specific geographic area.
These products owe their properties and characteristics fundamentally to the geographic environment in which they are produced and processed. Their logo makes them easy for the consumer to identify.
“A history of pleasures” campaign.
The protected designation of origin Les Garrigues is participating in the new campaign presented by the Catalan government Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food to raise awareness on the various distinctions of food quality and origin. Products recognised by the European Union.
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